Students Eyes Open Through Shadowing

On Red for Ed days, student and teachers wear red clothing to show their support for fair labor contracts.

Celebrated the week of November 14th, American Education Week is a time to acknowledge and commemorate the hard work done in the public education system. The week consisted of assemblies, demonstration for support of teachers, and a day where students shadow administrators.

Different students spoke on their experiences shadowing various administrative members during the week.

Tylar Contee, an IB student, explained that she chose to shadow Dr. Williams, the assistant principal,  because of his “complex” nature. To some, “he looked really strict,” but in reality, he only wants the best for his students.

Similar to Principal Berger, shadowed by girls basketball team captain, Rhyan Baldwin, she explains that Principal Berger creates guidelines and sets rule in place to keep things flowing as smoothly as possible.

Tyiah Littman shadowed newly hired assistant principal, Ms. Shaw. Prior to this opportunity, Littman had little knowledge as to what exactly Ms. Shaw did. She quickly discovered that Ms. Shaw is partially “responsible for what goes down behind the scenes.” Ms. Shaw makes sure classes are covered when a teacher is absent, students are in their respective classes, and so much more.

Guidance counselors, Ms. Kline and Ms. Boone, were shadowed by Jordan Reid. Though they can be underappreciated at times, the guidance counselors are consistently on their feet making sure students, especially their seniors, are taken care of. They are in a constant cycle of fulfilling requests for community service contracts, high school transcripts, recommendation letters, and immeasurably more.

Clarke Weathersby spent her day shadowing Ms. Davis, our librarian. Weathersby learned about the various tasks Ms. Davis is responsible for: supervising student lounges, printing papers for students, and making sure the library is an accessible and easily functionable space for all students.

All in all, the seniors were able gain insight into the daily routines of our staff and what they do for this school.